Rich and Good

Brand Campaign


In anticipation of its inaugural participation at the China International Import Expo (CIIE), Rich and Good sought the expertise of Prizm to meticulously capture and curate its brand journey. Tasked with the creation of compelling promotional materials, our collaboration extended to crafting captivating Mandarin-language videos and images that resonated with the expo’s diverse audience.


The primary objective of PRIZM Singapore’s branding video campaign was to create a compelling narrative that not only highlighted Rich and Good Singapore’s brand identity and product offerings but also resonated with the international audience attending the CIIE. By focusing on each flavor’s unique ingredients and the brand’s mission to bring home-baked goodness to everyone, the campaign aimed to captivate expo attendees and drive interest in Rich and Good Singapore’s products.

Solution and Results

The compelling storytelling and visually appealing cinematography of the campaign effectively communicated the brand’s values and product differentiation, resonating with the international audience. The campaign’s success contributed to elevating the brand’s reputation on the global stage and opening up new opportunities for international expansion and partnerships.

Account Management

Luna Pang

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